Buy or Register EDU.PH Domain

Requirements for .EDU.PH Domain
With the requirements for registering domain and the need for technical understand it might lead you to delay and concern during your process. This is one reason why we have made this page to make school admin be assisted in purchasing and setting up a better, scalable and faster server.
These are the requirements for your references:1. You need to check your domain availability of your domain and fill up the necessary information required by, including the DNS part of your server.
2. Prepare the required documents for your school (Proof of registered school recognized by DepEd or CHED) and Authorization letter to register your domain.
3. Payment for the domain.
4. Send this to information to Philippines Network Foundation Inc.
How to Purchase .EDU.PH domain
We have written an article about how you but domain and for IT guys like us this will help you.
Assisted Form
For those who want Eyewebmaster assistance you can fill up the form given in this page.